Buchi – What a Mighty God Mp3 Download
What a Mighty God by Buchi Mp3 Download
Get this amazing new song titled What a Mighty God by Buchi. Buchi Atuonwu, popularly known as Buchi, is a Nigerian song-writer, author, poet spoken words and reggae gospel artist. He started as a disc jockey in night clubs. His song is available for streaming and downloading on all our platform.
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Lyrics of What a Mighty God by Buchi
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Fresh from the Holy Ghost What a mighty God what a mighty God What a mighty God we serve What a mighty God what a mighty God What a mighty God we serveYou’re the reason for my song
You’ve been so good to me all along All along the hand of my Lord Jehovah Has been holding me tight and strong Everyday of my life I will lift up Your name Make the people know say you’re the Don You created Africa Europe and America Asia and Australia are the works of Your hands The mountains valleys and the deep blue sea Are the works of Jehovah Nissi So how big is God If He created the world How big is He Tell me where could He be You ask me Now listen make I tell you about Jehovah Nissi With a blast of His nostril He parted the sea He made the lame walk He made the blind man see Ask me how big is He Well can’t you see When I consider these I can’t help marvelingWhat a mighty God what a mighty God
What a mighty God we serve Trulilily truly What a mighty God what a mighty God What a mighty God we serveYou’re the reason that I live
Everything I own I give Everything that I own inna me life I dedicate it to You my God Whether life whether money whether heavy mansion Dedicated it to You my God Nhmm some people think say Jesus is a big man Who live inna the sky One day Him a go come One leg in Africa The other one in Japan When Him bend down Him could a touch Jamaica But now we know By the Spirit of the Lord That the power of Jehovah Is in His living word You better read you read Read it everyday From the book of Genesis Down to Revelation The word of the Lord is spiritual food So make you eat eat nyam it everyday Because the word of God is Life The word of God is Light Unto my path Trulilili trulyWhat a mighty God oh yea what a mighty God
What a mighty God we serve So make I hear you one more time What a mighty God what a mighty God What a mighty God we serveI’m crucified with Christ
Nevertheless I live Yet not I but Christ lives in me And the life that I live is by faith in Him Oh that you may know that as big as He is My God lives in me through His Spirit The same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus Christ my God From the dead TrulililililiWhat a mighty God truly what a mighty God
What a mighty God we serve Make I hear it one more time What a mighty God truly what a mighty God truly What a mighty God we serveThanks and praise to the Father
Who gave I and I His mighty mighty power mean a lot Thanks and praise to the Father Who made his power endureth forever I beg unu stick upon unu faith I beg unu stick upon it tight Let the word of the Father be your guiding light Hold fast to that which you have Cause the wicked one might come and wan take it away from you Is me tell unu say he who stand by the Lord Is like mount Zion that will never shake will never quake Yes me tell unu man unu better hold upon it tight Thanks and praise to the Father Who gave I and I His mighty mighty power Thanks and praise to the Father Who made his power endureth foreverWhat a mighty God what a mighty God
What a mighty God we serve What a mighty God what a mighty God What a mighty God we serve What a mighty God what a mighty God What a mighty God we serve What a mighty God what a mighty God What a mighty God we serve What a mighty God what a mighty God What a mighty God we serve What a mighty God what a mighty God What a mighty God we serve Thanks and praise unto the Almighty What a mighty God Most Most Most High what a mighty God What a mighty God we serve What a mighty God what a mighty God
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