Buchi – Mma Mma

Buchi – Mma Mma Mp3 Download

Mma Mma by Buchi Mp3 Download

Get this amazing new song titled Mma Mma by Buchi. Buchi Atuonwu, popularly known as Buchi, is a Nigerian song-writer, author, poet spoken words and reggae gospel artist. He started as a disc jockey in night clubs. His song is available for streaming and downloading on all our platform.

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Lyrics of Mma Mma by Buchi

The gospel is not for Sunday morningSunday morning aloneEach and everyday That the lord has madeWe gat to give thanks and praiseTo the lordAlmighty father, papa never tireOnly pa blessing load I am IGive I pikini and plenty dollarsAh papa never tiredMake we give him the praise.Mmmama mmmamaMmmama imelaMmmama mmmama
Mmmama Jesus oyebereMmmama mmmama
Mmmama imelaMmmama mmmamaMmmama Jesus oyebereI woke up early this morningNot knowing what to sayI thought about the good good thingsHe has done for meI thought about my lovely childrenI thought about my pretty wifeAll I could think of to say wasThank you JesusRepeat mmmama mmmamaMmmama imelaMmmama mmmamaMmmama Jesus oyebereWhen we get to heavenI know I’ll see JesusPaul and Silas and AbrahamThe whole of them would be thereMany many questions I want to askMany many things I want to sayFirst of all I will go to him and sayThank you JesusRepeat mmmama mmmamaMmmama imelaMmmama mmmama
Mmmama Jesus oyebereI have a questionGive me a answerI have a questionPls give me answerTell me the one who make you fat and niceJesusTell me the one who make you fresh and youngJesusTell me the one who make you prosperousJesusE radiradiradi gamegamaCome come come comeMay we give him the praiseMmmama mmmamaMmmama imelaMmmama mmmamaMmmama Jesus oyebere
Lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely
Mmmama mmmamaMmmama imelaMmmama mmmamaMmmama Jesus oyebereMmmama mmmamaMmmama imelaMmmama mmmamaMmmama Jesus oyebere
Mmmama mmmamaMmmama imelaMmmama mmmamaMmmama Jesus oyebereMmmama mmmamaMmmama imela


Lyrics of Buchi – Mma Mma

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