Jonathan Nelson – Jesus You Are Lord

Jonathan Nelson – Jesus You Are Lord Mp3 Download

Jesus You Are Lord by Jonathan Nelson Mp3 Download

Get this amazing new song titled Jesus You Are Lord by Jonathan Nelson. Jonathan Andrew Nelson is an American gospel singer and songwriter from Baltimore, Maryland. His song is available for streaming and downloading on all our platform.

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Lyrics Of Jesus You Are Lord by Jonathan Nelson

There is something so precious about You, Lord, our KingYour beauty and Your splendor covers land, sky, and seaOverwhelmed by Your presenceAll of creation gives You gloryLord of all the Earth and the universe
Jesus, You are LordJesus, You are LordJesus, You are Lord of all, ooh-ooh-oohJesus, You are LordJesus, You, You’re LordJesus, You are Lord of all
Overwhelmed by Your presentAll of creation gives You gloryGloryLord of all the Earth and the universe
Jesus, You are Lord (Jesus, our Savior)Jesus, You, You’re Lord (You are Lord)You are, You are Lord (creator of everything)You’re the creator of everything (Jesus, You are Lord)You are, You are, You are Lord (all nations will proclaim)All nations will proclaim that You are (Jesus, You are Lord)Nobody but YouNobody but You, LordYes(Jesus)
I love You today because (You are, Lord)You are, You are the Savior, JesusWhoa, Jesus (Jesus)You are, You are Lord (You are Lord)Jesus, You are Lord of all(Jesus, You are Lord of all)
Somebody give Jesus a praiseSomebody lift up your voice and praise HimHe’s the only sure and living GodHe’s the only one who can make a wayYou are Lord, yes, You are
Jesus You are Lord (Jesus, our Savior)I love You today and You are my LordAll nations will proclaim (You are Lord)You’re Lord (creator of everything)Ooh-ooh, You’re Lord (Jesus, You are Lord)Jesus You are LordThere’s nobody like YouYou are Lord
I worship You today because You areYou’re LordJust show me day by dayBring the mercy I’ve seenBring on the mercy You extend to meBecause You are LordYeahJesus, You are LordJesus, You are Lord of all
Somebody oughta worship HimSomebody oughta worship Him


Lyrics of Jonathan Nelson – Jesus You Are Lord

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